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Arkusz informacyjny. Wynik w skrócie. Status Projekt zamknięty. Data rozpoczęcia 1 Stycznia Data zakończenia 31 Grudnia Cel The world's languages differ substantially from each other.
Yet, all children learn the language s they are born into quite easily. A major scientific question in language has been to what extent follows a universal trajectory based on an innate design for language, and to what extent it is shaped by specific properties of the language that is being learned. By comparing the acquisition of a spoken language with a language that uses a visuo-spatial format, namely signed languages, a unique window of opportunity is created for investigating this fundamental question. Compared to spoken languages, signed languages represent spatial relations in an analogue way rather than arbitrarily.
The proposed study will use a novel approach to investigate whether these differences influence the trajectory of how deaf versus hearing children learn to express spatial relations in their native languages i. Spatial language development of deaf children will be compared with spoken language development as well as to the co-speech gestures of hearing children as the first time.
Thus the proposed study will bring together state-of-the-art research in language acquisition, sign language, and gesture studies in a unique and ground-breaking way. Furthermore gathering data on acquisition of less studied and typologically different signed and spoken languages is critical to test some of previous research results based on Western languages.
Due to spread use of cochlear implants fewer deaf children learn sign languages in European countries. The context in Turkey provides an unprecedented opportunity to conduct such a study with many participants before cochlear implants are also widespread in Turkey. Kierownik naukowy. Rodzaj działalności Higher or Secondary Education Establishments. Strona internetowa Kontakt z organizacją.
Kierownik naukowy Asli Ozyurek-Hagoort Dr. Kontakt administracyjny Elisabeth Den Os Dr. Sortuj alfabetycznie Sortuj według wkładu UE Rozwiń wszystko. Głuche dzieci korzystające z języka migowego mają przewagę nad słyszącymi w wyrażaniu relacji przestrzennych. Słowa kluczowe Język przestrzenny, dzieci głuche, uczenie się języka, język migowy, dzieci słyszące.
Znajdź inne artykuły w tej samej dziedzinie zastosowania. Entities can be located or moving in relation to each other e.
Furthermore our language ability also allows us to express these relations. However the way languages encode spatial relations can be different from each other and is radically different between signed and spoken languages.

Given this diversity, a major scientific question in research on language acquisition has been to what extent it follows a universal trajectory based on an innate design for language and a universal conceptual development, and to what extent it is shaped by specific properties of the language modality, language type that is being learned. To answer this question this ERC project investigated the acquisition of a spoken language with a language that uses a visuo-spatial format using hands and body, namely signed languages which provide a unique window for investigating this fundamental question.
In this project we aimed to focus on Turkish Sign Language, a relatively understudied sign language by deaf children learning it from their deaf parents and from which so far no data was collected. We compared development of Turkish Sign Language TSL to that of age-matched Turkish-speaking children and adults to see if learning a visual-spatial language such as TSL hinders, speeds up or does not affect at all its development compared to a spoken language like Turkish, which is typologically different from mostly studied Western languages.
In addition we proposed to compare sign language development not only to spoken language of the hearing Turkish children and adults but also to their gestures as well- that is, to the multimodal co-expressive utterance that hearing speakers use. To answer these novel and innovative questions we focused on development of spatial language in expressions of both static as well as dynamic relations i.
Spatial language is especially suitable for the question we are interested in since in signed languages the mapping of spatial relations onto linguistic structures is more analogue i. We collected data from three age groups ; and adults parents and nonparents in both langauge gorups, 10 subjects in each cell. Previous research has claimed spatial language to pose difficulties for signing children due to its morphological complexity. However one of our findings is that in terms of encoding locative relations i.
We have even found that in terms of encoding viewpoint relations i. For motion event expressions e. With regard to expressing Manner of motion e.
Moja Szwecja: Głucha harmonia rozbrzmiewa w Geteborgu.
Thus spatial language does not seem to pose difficulties for signing children s claimed by previous research. The developmental patterns then are somewhat universal and are somewhat guided by the iconic mapping of the form to the concept e. Kilka funkcji może nie działać. Włącz ponownie javascript, aby korzystać z pełnej funkcjonalności. Napisano 13 styczeń - Napisano 15 styczeń - Napisano 16 styczeń - Snapchat snapek Messenger Natalia Kudroń zdjęcie z fioletowymi paskami bo bokach.
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