Warsztaty dla singli poświętne

Thanks to continuous care about the quality of service, our Customers can feel comfortable and safe entrusting us with their cargo. We have every legally-required licence and certificate and an insurance policy for the sum of , EUR. You can be certain that the cargo entrusted with us will arrive at its destination safely and on time. The most important processes in our Company are those in the field of collaboration with Customers and providing forwarding services, which determine the satisfaction of our Customers with the quality and performance of our services.

OneFun - biuro podróży dla aktywnych singli

In January , we successfully underwent an audit in the scope of IFS Logistic , which resulted in receiving in February , an IFS certificate in the scope of transport and logistic services. The IFS Standard combines legislative requirements relevant to food safety, rules of good production practice, HACCP hazard analysis and also risk analysis within the framework of a single safety management, legal compliance and food quality system. It regulates as well the course of action relating to allergens and GMOs in accordance with the European laws currently in force.

The IFS certificate standard constitutes one of the most important food safety and quality standards. About us.

Oficjalna Strona Warsztatu Terapii Zajęciowej w Drzewicy

Our mission. We are a family company that has provided forwarding services since Safety and satisfaction of our clients are guaranteed. Family and safety are values which matter most to us. Our goal. Our goal is cooperation with those Partners for whom safety and quality of services are key priorities in the choice of a business relation.

Our strengths. Why should you cooperate with us? Awards and certificates.

Stowarzyszenie Kowali Polskich | Szostak Zbigniew - Stowarzyszenie Kowali Polskich

In the course of implementing the quality management system, we have defined particular key processes, which determine the competitive advantage of our Company and increase the number of satisfied Customers. Received awards.

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