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At the same time, experimental games have become a staple of social science research but have depended on relatively small sample sizes and simple, abstract situations, limiting their range and applicability. If only a fraction of the time spent playing computer games could be harnessed for research, it would open up a huge range of new opportunities.
We review the use of games in research, education, and entertainment and develop ideas for integrating these three functions around the idea of ecosystem services valuation. This approach to valuation can be seen as a version of choice modeling that allows players to generate their own scenarios taking account of the trade-offs embedded in the game, rather than simply ranking pre-formed scenarios.
Our prototype provides a potential pathway and functional building blocks for approaching the relatively untapped potential of games in the context of ecosystem services research. Metody Rozwiązywania konfliktów ekologicznych obszar Natura Magnuszewski, A. Can Banks Self-Regulate? Voluntary Agreements, Intrinsic Motivation and Games. Economic Affairs 32 3 : 58— Existing approaches to financial regulation may not give proper attention to available solutions. The article proposes that innovative solutions could be tested using experimental methods commonly used in CPRs: repeat run, feedback driven games.
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Ostasiewicz, K. Ostasiewicz, P. Magnuszewski The concept of resilience and its application to a certain socio-economical model.

In recent decades, there is a growing interest in ecological and social systems that exhibit multistability, i. The early hints, that real ecosystems and socioeconomical systems can exhibit such properties, originated from theoretical models [8, 13]. Although regime shifts are very easy to show and explore in models, it took time and efforts to prove experimentally that such phenomena occur in the real world [15, 20, 22].
Moreover, manipulation experiments have also provided direct evidence for alternative stable states [21]. Probably the most famous case of a bistable system is the case of alternative equilibria in shallow lakes [20]. Over certain ranges of nutrient concentration shallow lakes have two alternative equilibria: a clear state dominated by macrophytic aquatic vegetation, and a turbid state with high algal biomass.
Sendzimir, J. P Reij, P. Rebuilding resilience in the Sahel: regreening in the Maradi and Zinder regions of Niger. Ecology and Society 16 3 : 1. The societies and ecosystems of the Nigerien Sahel appeared increasingly vulnerable to climatic and economic uncertainty in the late twentieth century.
Severe episodes of drought and famine drove massive livestock losses and human migration and mortality. Soil erosion and tree loss reduced a woodland to a scrub steppe and fed a myth of the Sahara desert relentlessly advancing southward. Over the past two decades this myth has been shattered by the dramatic reforestation of more than 5 million hectares in the Maradi and Zinder Regions of Niger. No single actor, policy, or practice appears behind this successful regreening of the Sahel.
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Multiple actors, institutions and processes operated at different levels, times, and scales to initiate and sustain this reforestation trend. We used systems analysis to examine the patterns of interaction as biophysical, livelihood, and governance indicators changed relative to one another during forest decline and rebound. It appears that forest decline was reversed when critical interventions helped to shift the direction of reinforcing feedbacks, e. Reversals toward deforestation or reforestation were preceded by institutional changes in governance, then livelihoods and eventually in the biophysical environment.
Biophysical change sustained change in the other two domains until interventions introduced new ideas and institutions that slowed and then reversed the pattern of feedbacks.
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Stefanska, J. Magnuszewski, J.
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Sendzimir, P. Romaniuk, T. Taillieu, A. Dubel, Z. Flachner, P. Environmental Policy and Governance 21 6 : This paper describes a new gaming tool that allows players e.
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To facilitate the process of creating and testing new policies that would help to accommodate disordering events, e. The Floodplain Management Game can be used as an educational resource, knowledge elicitation technique or transition management tool concerning agriculture and river management.
The key feature of this game is that it unites technical problem-solving and relational issues in one game. Without exception, in multiple venues it has proven a useful tool for participants to experience the challenges of policy-making for managing rivers as well as for floodplain agriculture and for scientists to examine how stakeholders make decisions about such options. Keywords: simulation games, floodplains, adaptive management, social learning, communications laboratory. Kronenberg, J. Wyzwania zrównoważonego rozwoju w Polsce.
Fundacja Sendzimira, Kraków. Skuteczne zarządzanie obszarami Natura Stowarzyszenie Centrum Rozwiązań Systemowych. GS Kraków. Janutka, A. Opinion structure changes in non equilibrium model of social impact. Complexity 15 6 : 27— Complexity, Ostasiewicz, K, Magnuszewski, P. Agricultural sustainability in a simple social-ecological system. Operations Research and Decisions 20, s. There is a growing consciousness of the complexity and universality of interactions between social and ecological systems.
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Here we investigate a simple social-ecological model of land cultivation. These desirable states are understood in the sense of sustainable development, that is, profitable for farmers and non-degrading for ecosystems. Krolikowska, K. The research reported here addresses the issues of institutional, social and land-use change with reference to land reclamation system maintenance in the Odra River Valley, SW Poland.
Land reclamation systems are a network of different types of water control infrastructure and they require the collective maintenance effort of all users in order to fulfill drainage and irrigation functions properly. The example of decline in these systems in Polish rural areas brings together environmental and economic issues, as well as social dimensions of change from socialist top-down to democratic bottom-up decision-making and management.
After the financing and management of land reclamation services by the State greatly decreased and a duty of LRS maintenance was actually transferred from government to individual land users. Farmers were not ready to take this responsibility and the whole system declined.
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The analysis presented in this article is a contribution to a better understanding of non-functioning land reclamation systems. Some recommendations for the future improvement of these systems are also provided. Magnuszewski, Z. Balogh, G. Molnar, A. Sarvari, and Z.